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SICP solutions

SICP solutions

Ramón L. Panadés Barrueta

Welcome to my personal collection of solutions for the exercises in Abelson and Sussmand’s iconic Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (SICP). As evidenced by the design of this website, my chosen instrument to tackle these problems is Racket, with the languages #lang sicp, #lang racket, and #lang lazy.

My academic background is in physics, so it’s entirely plausible there exist areas where my solutions could benefit from refinement. Should you stumble upon any such opportunities, I’d appreciate you sparing me the blunder by submitting a pull request. For those interested in contrasting my solutions with others, you’re welcome to visit the Scheme wiki and other resources linked there.

    1 Building Abstractions with Procedures

    2 Building Abstractions with Data

    3 Modularity, Objects, and State

    4 Metalinguistic Abstraction

    5 Computing with Register Machines