Accelerating core-level GW calculations

by combining the contour deformation with the analytic continuation of W

Ramón L. Panadés Barruetaa Dorothea Golzea
a Theoretische Chemie, Technische Universität Dresden, Bergstr. 66c, 01062 Dresden, Deutschland


Many-body methods related to the GW approximation have proven to be a highly effective tool for computing core-level excitations [1]. In particular, the contour deformation (CD) is an efficient, scalable and numerically stable approach that has enabled core-level calculations on systems up to 100 atoms [2]. In this work, we reduce the scaling of CD applied to core-levels from \(O(N^5)\) to \(O(N^4)\), using an analytic continuation of the screened Coulomb interaction (W). Analytic continuation techniques using Padé approximants have been used in GW for computing the self-energy \(\Re\Sigma_n(\omega)\), but until very recently [3] this idea was not fully exploited for the W matrices. The new method (CD-WAC) has been implemented in FHI-aims. CD-WAC has been extensively tested on well established benchmark sets like the GW100 and the CORE65 [4], reporting MAEs of less than 5 meV with respect to CD. The theoretical scaling has been confirmed by performing scaling experiments on large acene chains and amorphous carbon. Speedups of 5 times have been attained with CD-WAC for the largest systems. This work won a Poster Commendation Prize at the Psi-k Conference 2022 in Lausanne, Switzerland.

The contour deformation method

A clever application of Jordan's Lemma and Cauchy's residue theorem. Integral self-energy expression is a consequence of the Convolution theorem.

\[ \displaystyle \small \begin{align*} \Sigma_c&(\mathbf{r},\mathbf{r}',\omega) = \oint-\int_{\Im}-\int_{D_{\Gamma^+}}-\int_{D_{\Gamma^-}} =\\ & -\frac{1}{2\pi}\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty}d\omega'G_{0}(\mathbf{r},\mathbf{r}',\omega+i\omega') W_{0}(\mathbf{r},\mathbf{r}',i\omega')\\[4pt] & - \sum_i \phi_i(\mathbf{r})\phi_i(\mathbf{r'}) W_{0}(\mathbf{r},\mathbf{r}',|\epsilon_i-\omega|+i\eta)\theta(\epsilon_i-\omega)\\ & + \sum_a \phi_a(\mathbf{r})\phi_a(\mathbf{r'}) W_{0}(\mathbf{r},\mathbf{r}',|\epsilon_a-\omega|+i\eta)\theta(\omega-\epsilon_a)\\ & = R(\omega) - I(i\omega) \end{align*} \]

Constructing W using RI-V: the CD way

Many quantities involving 4-center integrals can be efficiently computed in FHI-aims using the resolution of the identity with coulomb metric (RI-V). The \(W_{mn}(\omega)\) matrices of CD are no exception:

\[ W_{mn}(\omega) = \sum_{PQ}O_{P}^{nm}[\mathbf{1} - \mathbf{\Pi}(|\epsilon_m - \omega| + i\eta)]^{-1}_{PQ}O_{Q}^{mn} \] where the polarizability matrices are given by: \[ \Pi_{PQ}(i\omega) = 2 \sum_{ia}O_P^{ia} \frac{\epsilon_i-\epsilon_a}{\omega^2 + (\epsilon_i-\epsilon_a)^2}O_Q^{ia} \]

Analytic continuation of W: the rationale for CD-WAC

CD-WAC reduces the formal scaling of CD by computing the W matrices that appear in the \(R(\omega)\) term using an analytic continuation \(P_i(\omega_j)=W_{mn}(\omega_j)\). The latter is computed using a modified version of the Thiele's reciprocal differences algorithm developed in our group:

Modified Thiele algorithm

\[ \small P_{N}(z) = \cfrac{a_1}{1+\cfrac{a_{2}(z^2-\omega^2_{1})} {1+\cfrac{a_{3}(z^2-\omega^2_{2})}{1+\cdots+ \cfrac{a_p(z^2-\omega^2_{p-1})}{1 + (z^2-\omega^2_p)g_{p+1}(z)}}}} \]

Scaling analysis

The asymptotic behavior of the algorithms for computing the \(R(\omega)\) and \(I(i\omega)\) terms is:

\[R \sim N_{res}N_{occ}N_{virt}N^2_{aux} \qquad I \sim N_{\omega}N_{occ}N_{virt}N^2_{aux}\]

We are interested in core level spectroscopy. In this case, the integration grid for imaginary frequencies is independent of the system size, whereas the number of residues is proportional to number of occupied states. This implies that the global scaling of CD increases to \(O(N^5)\) for the deepest states.

CD-WAC implementation details

The CD-WAC algorithm builds upon the CD one, whose details can be found on Reference [2]. CD-WAC relays on a series of heuristic optimizations, presented in the flowchart below (left panel). Depending on the type of atom and orbital considered, three different sampling strategies for the analytic continuation are possible (right panel).

CD-WAC workflow CD-WAC workflow

The full monty example: H2O molecule

The following example illustrates the predictive power of CD-WAC. We have represented the screened coulomb interaction matrix element \(W_{1s,1s}\) and the self-energy matrix element \(\Sigma_{1s}\). The level of theory of these calculation is \(G_0W_0\)@PBE using NAOs of the second tier. The CD-WAC calculation is ~ 30 times faster than CD, at the expense of only 50 extra frequency points for the interpolation.

H2O W H2O self-energy

Validation of CD-WAC

Validation of the CD-WAC method with respect to CD using the GW100 and CORE65 tests suites. The level of theory is \(G_0W_0\)@PBE/def2-QVPZ and \(G_0W_0\)@PBEh(\(\alpha=0.45\))/cc-pVTZ respectively. For the valence states of the GW100 set only imaginary frequencies were used, for the CORE65 50 additional frequencies on two regions were employed.

Validation of the CD-WAC method

Performance of CD-WAC

Scaling plot comparing CD and CD-WAC applied to large acene chains C4n+2H2n+4 with n ranging from 1 to 15. We were interested on the C1s core level of the molecules, the level of theory of the calculations is \(G_0W_0\)@PBEh(\(\alpha=0.5\))/def2-QVPZ. The expected scale reduction is thus verified by the numerical experiment.

CD vs CD-WAC scaling plot

References and web version

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  1. D. Golze, M. Dvorak, and P. Rinke. Front. Chem. 7 (2019): 377.
  2. D. Golze, J. Wilhelm, M.J. Van Setten, and P. Rinke. J. Chem. Theory Comput., 14(9):4856–4869, 2018.
  3. I. Duchemin and X. Blase. J. Chem. Theory Comput., 16(3):1742–1756, 2020.
  4. D. Golze, L. Keller, and P. Rinke. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 11.5 (2020): 1840-1847.